Online Copywriting: Things to Know

Posted on December 17th, 2008

Even though quite new, online copywriting already has a set of rules to follow. Once you are familiar with them, the process of creating text for the Web becomes more simple, and you do not feel like something is holding you in terms of requirements.
As to the overall text structure of online copywriting, it stays the same, which means that according to the circumstances your text has to contain the main requisites, such as the intro, main body, and conclusion. However, there are also peculiarities that only online copywriting has, and they would have never occurred in a regular text. Here they are:

  1. Keywords. These are the text elements that a user is looking for online. If a student wants to know how to write an introduction, he/she will not type into a search engine complicated headlines or parts of the text. Keywords like “introduction writing tips” or “writing an introduction” will be typed in. This is why online copywriting has to have the most popular keywords on a topic, and the more, the better. Just do not overdo and turn your text into a set of senseless keywords.
  2. Simplicity. When it comes to online copywriting, it starts with a headline. Once again, a keyword is desired in your headline. Do not make your online copywriting too scholarly, for most of the times students will be looking for understandable advice and explanations, not for scientific researches.
  3. Plagiarism. This is especially important for the beginners. If you do not know how to make your online copywriting worthy and search for ideas in similar texts written by someone else, do not copy-paste. If you find decent ideas, process them yourself and build your own writing. Plagiarized online copywriting can be easily tracked down, and its authors usually get punished.

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